What is an ‘artist?’
While speaking with members of the public we have run into a re-ocurring theme. People who are creative tend not to call themselves an artist. Most people have a connotation with what it means to be an artist, they picture a painter or a sculptor.
Merriam-webster dictionary defines an artist as a person who creates art (such as painting, sculpture, music, or writing) using a conscious skill and creative imagination.
We have found that most individuals do not view their work as ‘real art.’ Whether they think of themselves as not trained enough, or perhaps their medium is not widely recognized.
The truth of the matter, is that anyone is able to call themselves an artist if they are creating something. Maybe that something is filmography, maybe it is writing poems or a screenplay, or maybe you make moccasins. Whatever your medium, whatever work you create, the process of creation allows for you to call yourself an artist.
At Region 2 Arts Council, we are committed to serving artists and creators, whoever they may be. As such, R2 is committed to showcasing all forms of art on our online galleries.
We welcome creative individuals from all mediums and practices to share their work with us, to help show others that they can view themselves as artists.
Current Online Galleries
Visual Artist Gallery
Indigenous Artist Gallery
PC: Flora Jones
Writers Gallery
Video Gallery
Audio Gallery